Tuesday, November 06, 2007

. ( Same old crap )

Education, education,education was there, in USA style under Bliar, today we have aspiration, aspiration,aspiration.
CLASS(sic) stuff ignored yet again.
And that was just a small bit.

Is there any point in "trusting" a UK democracy anymore or before?

Parliament will have new powers!!!!!
Same old crap.

It might be OK if words remained with deeds and meaning.
But sorri.
That time has gone.

Please think up a new way to classify folk into ... into ... into ...
Fuck it stink up, stink up a new way to sell the shit up shit up cock up crap.

Blame me I am a small Hermes
Shame .......
Sori if I get personal.
Shit stinks.


Merkin said...

Doesn't it just stink.
Worse and worse and worse.

Anonymous said...

Following my peregrinations round the death camps last week, I came to the conclusion that the moment we start dividing people into more and less worthy, we've taken our first step on the road to the gas chambers.

We must be careful. Very careful.

zola a social thing said...

I agree Szwagi : My use of the awful word CLASSifications should "testify" to that.
But even Derrida turned back to the Spector of Marx.
Sori I am not to turn bookish.
I do it only once in awhile nowadays.

Heidegger ( yes Heidegger ) pleaded with us to TAKE CARE.

Sometimes Szwagiman I just feel the need to do it like a Hemingway like an old man in the sea agin and agin.( with a beer or two)

anticant said...

I think the lacklustre way she read it said as plainly as possible "This isn't MY speech, folks".

She looked far happier at the new St. Pancras Station shortly afterwards.

Maybe she's thinking of fleeing from the dour Gordiebroon on high-speed Eurostar before she - like all the rest of us - gets chipped and tagged.

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