Tuesday, November 27, 2007

United Nations Wisdom and Groanagin
According to the UN it will be the "poor" that will suffer because of the "failures" of developed countries Big Boys.
Jesus Wept !
It is the successes of the big boys that create the suffering under this nasty and short and brutal reign of terrorist capitalism.
....there is a better life for me and you."


zola a social thing said...

LavenderBlue : You have already led an enchanted life so stay on top.
It is the likes of me that work hard from the bottom.

Anonymous said...

Remind me of my enchanted life.....
bring it on home to me x

Anonymous said...

"It is the likes of me that work hard from the bottom."

Don't force it, Zola. And I thought
rich bran
was plentiful on this site.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

And then the inhabitants of the rich countries have the nerve to bellyache and demand action when the inhabitants of the poor countries arrive and request a slice of the profits.

zola a social thing said...

Oh my dear Szwagirants : The inhabitants of the rich countries have no nerve at all. They are neo-behaviourists lacking in all nerve.
As for the poor after profits...well!
Just givem a bit of the ole Commons agin and allow folk to dwell with the basics of the good life which is FOR ALL.
I'm just off fishing.

anticant said...

Yes, I did say that, but the too-modest Zola declined to be designated a 'thinking blogger'. Given the rich gleanings of his well-chewed-over cud, I hereby nominate him as Ruminant Blogger Par Excellence.

zola a social thing said...

Anticant : William Blake was one of yer "Thinking Bloggers".
Check of Terry Egalitone via Guarirobe today. Wonderful article from a nasty Marxian ( did not say Marxist) MARXIAN I SAID DIDDLE I?

See you at the Royal Court Theatre.

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