Saturday, November 24, 2007

Due to the binge drinking culture and the destruction of the national health Service, including dentists, a group of experts from the UK have come up with a NULabor plan.
It is this : feed babies with booze when they cut their teeth and ensure that they learn the stages of euphoria.


zola a social thing said...

Norwich City won a game today.
I feel a toothache coming on.

Anonymous said...

Send these feral obese youth to The Daily Mail Academy instead. (NuLabour are going to allow The Mail to run schools in the UK.)

"Hell's Bells, whatever next?" as Mailreaders might say. "Fucking hell," I might say.

But if I did say that, and I was one of these Rothermere Scholars, Mr Littlejohn might say to me, "That's ten lashes for you sonny! Bend over."

Mr Littlejohn is our Head of Department for English-And-Proud-of-It. I prefer that subject to Maths. Cos there, day in, day out, we have to add up immigration figures. Even when I'm sure I've got the answers right, the teacher tells me to go away and have a rethink, that my figures are far too low.

Modern History is my best subject though. At the moment, we're studying The Evil Sixties, how civilization broke down then because our parents generation and the Beatles and all them people did awful things, a bit like Rome's Empire downfalling.

Anonymous said...

If every other species on the planet has a strategy for perpetuation of the species, why for fuck's sake do humans need 'experts' to help them?

Anonymous said...

Living TV. Love it.

anticant said...

Why do humans need 'experts'? Because if they didn't believe they needed to be shown the proper way to clean their teeth, the 'experts' would be out of a job. See Frank Furedi "The Politics of Fear" for an analysis of the current infantilisation of adults by our political culture and the consequent proliferation of narks, busybodies and Nanny Knows Best types.

zola a social thing said...

Bugger me Prof Toni Giddens better not read this blasphemy.

Anonymous said...

It's Supernanny Knows Best these days, AC ... according to Channel 4. By the way, how clean is your house? And more importantly, do you know what not to wear?

Merkin said...

I used to go with my father to visit an old Russian friend of his father as a youngster (3?).
I would be given a small glass of wine or (rarely) Wodka and then be asked questions in Russian and English about the particulars of the day..
My answers?
On the lines of :
I was obviously getting well educated.
The nanny state would say I was being abused.
Judge for yourself as to whether I survived as rounded person.

Anonymous said...

No Comment.

zola a social thing said...

Rounded is in the eye of the beholder.

zola a social thing said...

And "no comment" is that which is said when a wicked rolling stone woman goes honky-tonking and still cannot get no satisfaction.
Let that be a lesson to you all.

Anonymous said...

Many a true word.

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