Friday, November 09, 2007


As past preist Blair is for the turning and embraces the Catholic poverty of philosophy and as Brown inhales his own opium mixture then what will we expect from the Nu-Lefties today?

Will they be able to handle the religious debates that have so influenced left-wing politics for about 300 years in the Modern world?
Will they be able to be critical ( remember a book called "Catholics and the Left" from the 60,s where Marxian writers struggled with their faith) or will they avoid such basics?



anticant said...

Blair's philosophy may be poverty-stricken, but his bank account isn't. Did you see that he's just netted $500,000 for a three-hour trip to a Chinese luxury housing estate? [The Times, 8 Nov]. Ye Gods!

zola a social thing said...

Oh yes Anticant you make a point. But Bliar was yet another career politico and we guess that all is ok then. For Blair it was a turd way and the end of ideology. Take the money and run.

What of these nu-lefties I ask?
Are they career politicos?
Or, as they claim, are they with and for participation through democracy for all as a working principle.??..

The truth will be in the pudding and we will see.
Right now all is open.

Anonymous said...

Be fair Zola.
What you edge into here calls itself a bit of liberal with the left and it even uses the word conspiracy.
Are they not being already self-critical?

Merkin said...

What did I learn at school, today?
I learnt that I have to stay in this God-forsaken place until I am 18 whether I want to or not.
There is an alternative - I can sign up for service in the Army of Neverending War.

zola a social thing said...

Herman Hesse went AWOL and he did ok.
And that is what I learnt when I left school and the school was happy.

Anonymous said...

I think I learnt that school is failing in its primary duty of turning society's young into acquiescent drones.

In itself, that would be no bad thing, but a large number of parents are also failing to provide their offspring with any kind of sensible moral compass.

The results are all around us.

zola a social thing said...

Well Szwagi : a humanistic issue no more and no less.
An issue with contradictions. Inherent.

Capitalism has no compass points because all is ok so long as it pays.

Contradictions again of course.

What are anchors for a Ny-Leftie to hang on to in wild seas and what are the anchoring places?

Religion is, of course one. But it is too sandy and weak.

But to be a good parent is another issue that I sense deserves more than this blog today that centred on ny-lefty stuff and real philsophy away from poverty.

Parenthood - I love the four kids that are no longer me-kids and never were.
I must return to this matter with a different attitude I guess.

Kids is good.

Anonymous said...

I learnt that my spelling proficiency level equilibrium has increased, year on year, in line with the initial set-targets; which were established by me and my fellow stakeholders (my teacher and my mum), in deep, engaged consultation with one another. This is called neo-erogenous growth I think.

In Sitzen Ship lesons, I learnt that we can't keep accepting new pupils cos eventually there will be not enough St Cuthbert lessons for St Cuthbert pupils. And the tuck shop queue will get too long. And the very character of St Cuthbert's might even change. Did you know that we have one big muffa of all parliaments (I think that means "World, don't mess wid us. OK!" Though Saddam didn't geddit.)

And in Happiness lessons, I learnt that money can't buy you that. But that doesn't stop the teacher still looking up to the rich people in our village, and, secretly, sir wants to be one. I think.

I learnt that it is stupid to take out books from the library that you don't want the teachers to know you are reading. You have to take them out without taking them out using the fingerprint scanner. Cos all they have to do is type in your name, or the number on your We're One Big Family Card, into the Big Computer, and then they know everything you have ever read. But they say it's all to do with stopping the recent spate of stink-bombs that has caused pandaemonia in the corridors. (I checked the spelling on that one.)

I know that Jamie Oliver is a twat. I know that because the teachers said he is cool.

zola a social thing said...

It maybe, me old Butwhatif, that the best way to counter the bullshit is to work our way through it.
That is work with what we live by.
Then a anti-thesis might emerge.

But you write many of my sentiments better than I can write them.

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