Thursday, February 01, 2007


Careerist politicians stink but all too often they come out smelling of roses as if the sun shines out from their nether regions. It would be banal to talk here of Bush and Bliar and it would be like yet another penetrating glimpse into the obvious. In Finland we now hear that one ultra-right "True Finn" ( failed boxer, macho-man, woman beater and headbanger into drug scenes?) Tony Halme has been granted a State pension after doing nothing except getting voted into parliament by other blue blooded true Finns. It disgusts me. But he laughs his way to the bank as another thousand people lose their jobs in the failing Nokia Land.

Recently a federal judge in the USA attacked the Bush regime of private greed and gain. He ended up his verdict with these words : " There was a time when people came to Washington because they thought that government could be helpful to people." But today, said judge Paul Friedman, people come to Washington to see what government can do for them !!!



zola a social thing said...

I have said a few hard-hitting points here. As Halme is a politician I might be considered to be a target.

But just check in simple fashion wikipedia. Then move on and check more.

This ultra-right-wing TRUE FINN stuff is now sponsoring old pop singers too for the elections this year.

When I say I am disgusted I mean it.

Anonymous said...

V.Kinki sems to me to be the perfect politician : 'In early March 2006 Halme was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital, reportedly due to delirium caused by excessive alcohol use'.
Sadly, not great for the people, though.

zola a social thing said...


zola a social thing said...

If you are interested in Finland and the True Finns ultra Right party check out "Freddie" the old pop star.
he is in the running for the next celebrity knocks vote.

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