Saturday, February 03, 2007


The left in Europe has withered. Few flowers blossom on the cactus that pricks and kicks and yet still survives even in the deserts of dry arid correctness schemes. But now Zola has consulted expert gardening advice. At last a few things make sense.
The main problem with this health of the necessary cactus is the problem of watering. Too much or too little or both. If a cactus is over 20 years old the BASE needs radical change. The roots need cutting. The first thing to look out for is "brown or spongy bits" and get them cut off quickly. Then re-bedding or re-potting is needed. But take care here because the new base must be able to absord the drink slowly to avoid fast-time and overly wet and potty consequences.
Where have all the Cacti gone? Gone to brown and spongy ways everyone. When will they ever learn ....


Jose said...

I like that, Zola. Unfortunately the Left, the Right, the Centre only remain steady at the base, the upper echelons have found it convenient to conflate into a single trend : Opportunism which they seem to consider a synonym of pragmatism.

zola a social thing said...

Indeed Jose : Pragmatism however is a term I rarely use without doubt and I am sure you know just what i mean.

I am traditional in the ironic sense in that the base moves with street folk and street folk move. What kind of real democracy?
Your own wicked post made me think as it was full of wonderful possibilities.
It must all that sun.

Jose said...

Yes, what kind of real democracy as you ask.

I cannot find it.

By the way these days the sun does not become present overmuch.

zola a social thing said...

Jose : I guess the real democracy that I suspect you and I and so many others want is always in the making.

Perhaps it is an ideal. But, for me, I feel ok with some ideals that are worth struggling towards and for and being-with.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Our societies are not free enough. We need more liberalism, not less. A basic rule of law would also be nice. Perhaps regular internet referenda (and hence free internet access and internet-capable computer for every citizen old enough to vote) on the important issues. The state ought to retreat from the market as far as possible. People will be able to handle themselves. Er. Am I trolling now? Sorry. Carry on, lads.

Anonymous said...

With the amount of electoral fraud that we have seen in elections world-wide (but especially in the US) connected with electronic voting, do you really think the Illych dream of instant referenda will ever happen?.
I am currently doing computer work for an older couple and their collective inability to switch on the box is the cause of a lot of problems.
I doubt if they could vote fish or Friday.

zola a social thing said...

All good points to me.
YD : I guess the net is already doing some good things ( as well as bad)and us lot don't do so bad either. Keep on truckin your pond is alive with political intelligence.
anon : The Illich dream remains for those that have not fallen for the trap and the confusion with Turd Way stuff. Still believe in Illich i do.

Jose said...

I agree with you, Zola. It couldn't be otherwise. Those who think that Democracy has already been settled are quite wrong. Democracy must be fought for continuously lest it be decaffed as has been the case so far.

Perhaps I am wrong but something that most people do not realise is that votes is the most important part of democracy, or at least the only one left for us to use, but one step ahead would be for people to massively vote. Politicians would have to think it twice before decisions can be taken.

All democrats have the inexcusable duty to vote.

zola a social thing said...

Jose : Oh yes. But who controls or even has the power with this "voting"? thing. But please do not get me wrong here. I agree in so very many ways.
I just get fed up with false voting and manufactured voting-borders ( we remember Northern Ireland!!!) that there is more to it than the vote.
Once bitten twice shy as they say?

Jose said...

Indeed, it is as you say, but voting is the last thing that has been left to us, and I sincerely believe we must use it "while we have it".

This democracy of now is almost a different image of a dictatorship.

anticant said...

Zola, do stop being so pessimistic! It is usually you telling me that...Nothing is perfect. All we can do is to keep on striving towards making our individual and collective voices heard. The Internet is a great resource for this. I read yesterday that in the US political bloggers are teaming up to bombard politicians and cadidates with critical e-mails. It would be better if we started doing this instead of perpetually moaning and groaning about how awful everything is. For a start, let's begin listening to each other more attentively, instead of arguing to prove that we are "right" or authentically Left!

zola a social thing said...

It is still m inus 30 degrees today and the bills have come in from Xmas time and my tax rate has increased and the snow must be cleared and ....

Jesus wept what more do folk want?

anticant said...

A voting seat on the OPEC board and an encrypted Swiss bank account?

zola a social thing said...

Easier to move to Iran methinks.

anticant said...

There's a thought - "Thus Spake Zolathrustra".

zola a social thing said...

nice one Anticant : back on form you are.

Anonymous said...

Should that be Zolathruster?

Anonymous said...

For once I even agree with the alternative anonymousey.

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