Sunday, February 18, 2007

Der Spiegel doth tempt but .....

Who supports killers? Few I say. But to label killers or the like as "Left Wing" is absurd unless one is totally "Right-Wing" of course. Such is Der Spiegel today on-line.
It gets better or worse ......
Reading this site from the "left" side we read " Growing a Brain is Switzerland. "
Then .....
Reading the same page from the "right" we read : " Find the love of your life. Our unique psychometric personality test will help you find your perfect match. "

When do we put the clocks back to christmas i ask.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried any of those tests ?
If you weren't too sure of yourself before, they could turn you into a neurotic wreck.
I know, I am that person.
Talking of madness, I was idly listening to Radio 4 about 10 days ago to a programme about mental disorders.
The 'expert' was defining a psychopath.
If you see smiling faces and you do not feel at one with them, you are a psycho.
So, that's me, then.
I see a sea of smiley faces and i panic..........where are they their carers know, etc ?

Anonymous said...

Perfect match, huh ?
The Guardian ran ads for a dating thingy in the Guide.
One such agency was called perfect match.
I got three of the most ill-adjusted perverts you could ever shake a wicked stick at..........
you don't think it is me , do you ZoZoBear ?

Anonymous said...

I met LavvyGirl on Pikey's site.

Anonymous said...
Zo-zo, I gave you a plug on this site and would recommend it - being as it is hosted by someone else who is 'fighting the good fight'.
(He even has GrumpyAunt showing his cojones).
What a thought.
On a Sunday.

toby lewis said...

Hi Zola, having had a more detailed perusal of the prophet Isaiah I am still inclined to say the poor fellow was treated rather badly by being roped in to the left/right crossfire. To my mind he seems a very reasonable and individual voice. I'd be fascinated to hear your thoughts over at mine. So the left is slandered by their association with killers but aren't individual thinkers equally treated through the judgement they are of the right and, in some people's books, therefore taboo?

Jose said...

A stupid thought occurs to me: what about left-handed people, are they forcibly inserted in the left-wing or can right-wing also be left-handed?

Trying to get my bearings is becoming every time more and more difficult.

Anonymous said...

Well that is the point, there is no left wing or right wing any more.
The fight against Global warming or the Perpetual War is simple good versus evil, no?.
My friends in this one are one's I would not necessarilly associate with in calmer times. Must be the same for lots of people.
Doesn't matter. If the house is on fire and a toddler is about to jump I am not going to ask his religion before deciding whether to catch him.

toby lewis said...

You could take the Lovelock view and claim that global warming is the revenge of Gaia. Man is being punished for playing with fire and not knowing how to stop.
Also, isn't good versus evil a bit misleading? Where does the definition of good start? To stop all out war and global warming many people who I'd regard as good, all things being equal, might be perpetuating the mess we're in. I.E. The inability to reduce overall consumption drastically is the fault of all of us. Even those who realise that we could be heading for a great catastrophe find it hard to adjust in present circumstances.

Although I definitely agree with your basic point that these terms left and right being bandied about as insults should cease.

I hope the sceptics are right and the models of the climate change scientists are all hot air, simply because (as we all know following the predictions) unless things change dramatically we are going to be in deep trouble.

Anonymous said...

You are quite right, Toby, in the sense of 'how many angels can....'.
We are past that, though, even if I agree with you more than you know.
However, at some point the individual has to make a value judgement.
In my case, I judge that murder, rape and torture on a grand scale is wrong and I must fight against it. Simple.

toby lewis said...

We seem to be agreeing rather a lot today, Merkin. Your advice to YD was spot-on. I definitely agree with you about the murder, rape and torture on a grand scale. Interestingly though, who is responsible for it? The people who do it, or more worryingly, ourselves, unconsciously through our lifestyles? We definitely should demand more from those who represent us as consumers, politicians, military, but how do we do so? I'm not trying to be difficult, but it really does worry me.

It seems that if I need to feed myself from this journalism lark I might well have to write about crap in order to get the training to write about the things that matter. Even if I got to stage where I could do so, would it change much? I really hope so but I have my doubts.

Anonymous said...

Without hope we have nothing, GlassHoppell.
As a musician, I had to play all the weddings and bingo halls to be able to play the rock venues I wanted to. Learnt something from each and every gig on the way. In that sense, compromise is not selling out. Indeed, you eventually find out that the majority of music played is not played on the big stages and adjust accordingly.
If you wait to get exactly the job you want you are taking the choice the monkey does in trying to pick up every last peanut. You might do it or you might not. Toss a coin.
As to whether you can effect change, you can rest assured that Atlas would be well able to lever the world with the internet as a fulcrum. Stick with your blogging and learn from every thread and posting.
It seems that all the guys with 'awkward squad' connections have learnt very quickly about what works and, more importantly, what doesn't.
Nothing wrong with that.

anticant said...

We can each of us only do what we are capable of. That is what individual responsibility is about.

I am not very optimistic about the prospects for massive voluntary behaviour changes to cut oil consumption, reduce the risks of global warming, etc. etc. before it is too late. Human beings have a highly developed capacity to behave like ostriches. Remember how many decades it took to get the scientists' warnings about the link between smoking and cancer taken seriously.

BTW, boldscot, toddlers don't HAVE a religion until it is foisted on them by their parents and teachers. They are not BORN Catholics, Muslims, etc.

Anonymous said...

And a jewish boy is not mutilated in the first seven days, etc etc?.

Anonymous said...

Anti, I do agree with you on that point, more or less.
However, I still stick with what I said in a general sense.
That is, you attend to the priorities first and, once those are dealt with, you can choose further, at leisure.
The value judgement is in deciding where the priorities are.

Jose said...

How long has Green Peace been campaigning against attacks on Nature and what its results have been? It seems consciences are only adapted at pleasing themselves.

Yes I am with Anticant that consumerism is not going to end as easily. Perhaps what we should do is accelerate our decadence and end it all once and for ever.

That would be our ultimate lesson.

zola a social thing said...

G'Day : Are you lot trying to send me back to studying the books or what?
Yesterday I learnt something. Needed to spend a day in bed I did.
Found again Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" with a wonderful introduction by that Mr Cognitive himself ICE Berlin.

Sori I could not attend your debate in person but the fact was i was not needed.
jealous i am.
Just wait until that damned wicked witch of the north gives me peace.

zola a social thing said...

Can there ever be a decent "univeristy" of the street?
Or : as lavenderBlue warns us - those experts always define even our inner-selves.
Keep on blogging is no bad thing to say or do.
Blogging may be all we have "left"?

Anonymous said...

I thought you had left me........
I can relax a little now, can I ? xx

toby lewis said...

Zo - To be fair on the "experts" in philosophy they might come up with a definition, but they almost certainly expect it be challenged by others. Also, isn't much university learning for everyone?

zola a social thing said...

Just doing the best I can LB. The good news is always difficult when the bad news was foremost. Keep on.

Toby : Thanks for your postings - not gone into your site yet for awhile - but I will. Noticed that you put "experts" into this "" "" mode but you did not "PLACE" THE or A definition into that self-same mode.

BTW : I've been a little bit "off" and it takes a few days more for me to get my head in order. My body is looking better and better all the time.
Berlin things are OK but my body mind demands to speak too.
Sally Bowles calls for a cab calls for a cab ok.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. On Merkin's recommendation I wanted to stop in and say "Hi".
Fun site Zola. Wish I'd gotten to the musak quiz a little sooner. Maybe another? I had two of three for the record, before hitting Google.

Re: Paying your dues on the proverbial stage. We've all got to do it somewhere. I've played in some horrendous orchestras. Pee-yoo. It's not about the peanuts, just the experience.

I'd like to think blogging will spread humanist priorities, save us from oblivion and enlighten us to the ills of consumerism but I'm more inclined to think its just another device sent down from above to make it easier to keep tabs on us dissidents.

Cheers all.

zola a social thing said...

Jesus the Lone Ranger throws his tassles and heeeeehaaah lets av some more me ole matey.
Where is that Kimosabe (spelling?.

As for "humanist priorities" I recall a music evening. My eldest son playing guitar. My whisky voice and a rather special group of folk filling the top room of the establishment.
In short we sany stuff from rebels through to the much softer Boss Springstein and back again to Joe Cocker and even Herra Waits.
The fingers on the hand were bleeding as my son played for over 5 hours non-stop.
My voice? Gone for 2 days after.

Such is one price to pay for humanist performances. Blodd, sweat and tears mate?

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