Wednesday, February 28, 2007


The biggest religion in town, capitalism, demands faith in that godly mess of abstracts built upon abstracts built upon abstracts. In common language that means living in risk built upon risk buily upon risk. Faith is all there is left. When crisis is normal then pray. But it will show itself as a real risk when pensions and wellbeing for a majority are in this game that only the rich can ever play in relative safety. What a farce.
Shame that school and college education teaches this faith-system as natural. Better to change those curricula methinks and place capitalist miseconomics and religious faith into the same "optional extra" category.

Let us take back the participative responsibility for OUR State of being.


zola a social thing said...

BTW : My post was also to wake a few folk up to capitalism is a religion based upon the abstracts away from everyday proof or fallability.

Futhermore "Economics" as taught in most educational institutions avoids like the plague Chrematistic forms of a real economy. In other words schools suck up to capitalism as others suck up to a or the God.

Good i feel better now.

zola a social thing said...

Sori : Capitalism is the big "OOPPS word".
Advice to bloggers is to avoid it as it gets too close for comfort.

anticant said...

So what is your PRACTICAL alternative to capitalism as a better means of production and distribution for the 21st century? Not just slogans or more utopias, please - tell us how the new world economic system ought to be organised and should function.

zola a social thing said...

Good point Anticant : I must respond on a post to this valid question that is all too often avoided by those that critique capitalism.

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