Friday, February 23, 2007

For Whom Does This Bell Toll ?

Picked up another piece of nasty propaganda. The printed words in a respectable newspaper went like this :-

" We must constantly encourage competition not simply because it is the best safegaurd for the consumer but because if competion dies away so the spirit of pride and endeavour will die with it. Then we must change the tax system which at present bears so heavily upon success, particularly individual success.
Finally, there must be penalties too, because the spirit we require to see will not be fully forthcoming unless we ally a proper regard for success with a proper acceptance of the consequences of failure. "

This crap was printed in, like I said before, a respectable newspaper.
I wonder which person wrote this.
Any ideas from your own neck of the woods?
Comments Are Free. ( but don't let that fool you !)


anticant said...

They're too late. The spirit of pride and endeavour has died already. It's been replaced by consumerist greed of the "me, me" generation. Who does this benefit?

zola a social thing said...

Not me.
Good morning anticant hope your hospice was good for you.

zola a social thing said...

The quote came from the Times October 7th 1967. The words came from that nasty piece of work Reginald Maudling although the equally Tory plague dog Herra Blair might say this today.

Anonymous said...

Maudling was equally enmeshed in a corruption scandal.

'Competition, in short, means rewards for the rich, penalties for the rest and a better tomorrow for all.'
This is from an interesting essay which I looked at here :

zola a social thing said...

Indeed BoldScot : that brutish, nastry and short-sighted rogue is necessary to remember.
That better tomorrow has always a bit like "and when the war was over we were back where we began" line from a folk song.

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