Sunday, February 18, 2007


The poor Great Britain wants to privatise that which it criminalises. That would be an end to crime and punishment. To privatise the penal pursits of goal achieving would end up with more vending machines selling more pop fizz and crack(ers). A happy place that would be and fit for the heroes of the Blatcheright quest.
- No shortage of quick booze for VIPs
- No shortage of cigars for VIPs
Hell many of the present UK-USA governemnt types might prefer "time".


Anonymous said...

I would quite like a vending machine that gave me gallons of coffee on demand.
I'd quite like a robot to fetch it for me.
I've been asleep - what have I missed ? Are we at war yet ?

zola a social thing said...

Lapland is not at war.
But as for the UK I doubt there has been a time when it has never been at war.
Cheaper school uniforms the UK wants I hear today from the Observer mag.

Anonymous said...

Why is Lapland not at war?.
It is your duty to in order to preserve peace in the world.
Scratch that comment Zola.
I was preparing to write a piece of the most scathing satire and, having just listened to the BeebNews, my energy level dropped to zero.
This being an agitator is not always so easy, is it?.

zola a social thing said...

But they sent im homeward to think again.
Nowt wrong with that.

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