Wednesday, December 20, 2006

2006 Memories
Would be nice to say something nice but ... ...
2006 has shown the death of too many people and things related to USA-UK politics that it is impossible to even try to think nice.
Yet something comes out of it all. The death of USA-UK hegemony.
If a look on the bright side of life is still OK then we may think that USA-UK folk will wake up to the new dawn that shows itself.
Take back the streets is the basic answer.
Then take responsibility.

2006 will go down in history as the death of USA-UK hegemony.


Anonymous said...

Cross your fingers, big man.

zola a social thing said...

Live in hope i do

Anonymous said...

The latest announcement of an increase in troop numbers must surely be the start of the end.
Or, is it Iran to follow?.
PS check your mail for some photies.

anticant said...

Hegemony is like the Ring of the Nibelungs. When someone drops it, someone else picks it up. Who next? I'd rather have China than Islam.

zola a social thing said...

Well Anon : An increase in troop numbers if it happens will indeed be the end. First because the occupation army is already alienated and in angst and fed up with the bullshit. Second because more, in this sense of numbers, means less. ( less possibility of any kind of communication).

Anticant : I agree with you. I guess China will, with their famous patience, get into this world-systems game. However with the addition of Latin America and Russia and maybe even an EU being involved with.

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