Thursday, December 21, 2006

Breaking Wind E-News

Latest gossip on the town. The Duke of Westminster has been in tow with a certain Ms G.I.(A)Greerable. If recent information is to be believed then the portfolio, as personal development(s), was always the very same that was hidden. The female property remains to be identified and we must wait until they both come out of the cupboard. Rumour has it that the Huffing(ding-dong)ton Post is on to this story already. But "Time" will tell as the story needs more male muscle behind it as yet.

The Guardian has already, we hear, refused to entertain us with this story ( even the Women's Pages seem wobbly on this one) even if there is a real social history here that remains valid today.
Remember you heard it first from Zolainkspots.
( If you have not got a penny a half will do and if you can't afford a mere half then God bless you)
Advertise here? See the Awkward Squad CEO Pike Fisher


Anonymous said...

My advice is that he should open one of his spam emails.
A little Viagra always reveals the smallest portfolio (I don't know myself but a friend told me) and provides a modicum of male muscle, to boot.

zola a social thing said...

I always believe doctor.
But me portfolio is rather middle of the range and never knows what is best. To go up or down in the market.

Anonymous said...


anticant said...

Or just have a wank. You meet a better class of person that way.

zola a social thing said...

The standard of blogging today gets no better I can see.
Write something different I will.

zola a social thing said...

As a new day dawns to review past postings is no bad thing.
Today, after your youthful habits of sexual angst, Zola decides to clean up his site.
Today Zola will be serious and expects serious replies and postings can only be made once every 30 minutes. ( This is to help you all to think like a good guardian reader should).

anticant said...

Is Zola Vinegartits?

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