Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Bildung : Reindeer Folk Ways, Education Through Experience

As so many abuse poor reindeer cultures ( even at this time of the year ) Zola feels a little upset. Therefore a little tale will be told.

Tourists visting Lapland. The tour bus stops. Out go the wise customers to see the little wigwam dressed up with folk of colour and hats of the four winds. Out go tourists to see the Lapps and the reindeer.

One American ( with a family tradition of the UK) gets out of the bus and goes to see the Lapp who is sitting by the road and wigwam.
The Lapp is making little balls with his fingers as a smoker would roll fags.
The Lapp is placing all the now-ready-made balls into a pile.
The Amercian tourist asks the Lapplander : " What are those balls and are they good for me to buy?

The Laplander replies that these little balls are not balls at all. They are "Learning Pills".
How much do these learning pills cost?,, comes next, as the tourist gets interested.

They cost 30 Euro each, is the reply - as the Laplander meets the tourist.

How many of these learning pills is needed? The tourist is interested to learn culture.

Only three I think, says the poor Lapplander .

Tourist buys three learning pills.

Tastes the first one and looks around to see if anybody else is watching.
Tastes the second one and swallows quickly.
Eats the turd one and yells out loud - " Tastes Like Shit"!!!!!!

Lapplander says : " These learning pills work rather well don't they".

Moral of this story? Reindeer shit pays.


Anonymous said...

Who cares about your silly lapland?
Get real.

Anonymous said...

Some imposter is trying to raise a stir. Seek and find.
You guys with the blogs have the list of IP numbers, I think.
Let me know.

Anonymous said...

Insofar as and to the extent that I care about anything, I care about Lapland. Particularly if it's silly.

The world has entirely the wrong attitude to silliness. It's silliness, and not religion, politics, or any other dreary philosophies, that makes us feel alive.

Dada says so. YOu know it makes (non)sense.

anticant said...

Religion, politics and dreary philosophies are silly.

Lapps are no fools. However many of those learning pills did they sell to Bush and Blair?

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Probably no surprise there. Religion, politics and dreary philosophies are not in the least silly. They may be stupid, but they're not silly.

Silliness requires a sense of fun and, in adults, irony - things entirely lacking in those three areas.

Silliness is the new black.

anticant said...

Silliness is the new philosophy. [As were Existentialism, Surrealism etc. etc.]

Anonymous said...


zola a social thing said...

Zola admits to being silly.
Will try harder in the future.

anticant said...

Has the Silly Season been rescheduled?

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