Saturday, December 16, 2006

Nokia Land Does It Again

When Finns, through their tax paying money, subsidised Nokia they did not know then just what the result to be. What was the result? More unemployment by slow and subtle means. Today Nokia is laughing again all the way to the bank. Siemens is the brand new excuse to make more unemployment in "our" Europe through legal ways of the waste producing market. Let us just wait for those thousands of unemployed to wake up to the ways that their own money is and was wasted !! Just wait.

When Germany takes over from Nokia-Land Finland, as the EU socially responsible cuntry, then, will there be an improvment for everyday folk? Waiting! Waiting.


Anonymous said...

Ok The Boldscot sent something to Zola on hotmail.

zola a social thing said...

Was it something naughty and inviting?
Hope it was nowt to do with Nokia and a new merger with suspicious accounting systems.
Get me into trouble you might.

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