Monday, December 11, 2006


Today in Finland a few little things MIGHT be revealed. You may have heard that Finland is voted by some to be the least devious and most open EU country in things like freedom of the press and government. Let us wait and see.

As greedy pundits from the globalisation gang constantly hit farmers and agricultural folk we might, today in Finland, see just why. Agri-Culture has been branded as traditional and out-of-date in this global risk mis-economy. The State itself has been blamed for this mess. Oh dear me what does all this debate really mean we ask.

But Finns learn ( hopefully learn more soon) that many of the biggest ( secret) deals under the European Union for subsidies have been going to big business leaders. That is the TRADITIONAL ABSENTEE LANDLORDS. Bosses from big companies that own farmland seem to benefit as Finnish farmers ( real working farmers) suffer and are abused by EU and newspaper propaganda as being traditional. Traditional? The power elite remains in power I suggest. Power Elite tradition benefits here !

But today in Finland is a test case for any freedom of information act.
The State run news service, YLE ( a bit like the BBC), needs patience here and much support especially as their budgets keep getting cut.

Does this story ring any bells to anyone else out there?


Anonymous said...

No one in their right mind would set up a farm in Finland.

Anonymous said...

Finland, Duckland it's all the same to me (as the old joke goes).

zola a social thing said...

Yellow-Merkins : I guess tradition was never what it used to be in the Nordic lands.
Just you wait - I will come back as a Swan indeed.
You are all so awful.

But what about the fuckin workers ?

Anonymous said...

Well there have been victories in Scotland for the crofters who are able to do things sustainably.
For the rest of the 'small farmers' the struggle is well uphill.
Hugh Feartherly-Birthingstall is proposing to open a shop in a small town in opposition to the mighty Tesco which sells locally produced 'farmers market' produce. Good.

zola a social thing said...

I was sent a book (kindly) and it was called "Soil and Soul" : people versus Corporate Power" written by Alastair McIntosh (2001). It was about a Scottish land-reform.

Now here is the oopps : forwarded by G Monbiot as "world changing".

Does that ring a bell?

Anonymous said...

Aha - You are George Monbiot and I claim my five pounds!!
(certainly does ring a bell as I was referring to the Assynt Crofters).
For my own part I was 'blacked' for a long time because of my fights with the multis.

zola a social thing said...

Beg your forgiveness i do ...... I am still bleeding and keep tradition.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, big man you have lost everything in favour of the story on the beeb of the Dirty Bishop.
At least from me till I stop laughing.

zola a social thing said...

Perhaps better said : from original words " Well, if Eigg had been the initial inspiration for Assynt,the people of Assynt certainly made a big contribution ti eigg.... They helped us refine our strategy, they affirmed the vision and visited Eigg to boost confidence at one of the low points. It was generous inter-community solidarity. But meanwhile ..."
( Soil and Soul : 190 )

May I still talk or try ?
As folk still cry!

zola a social thing said...

BTW Anon : I am only 5 foot 8 and a half. Big? Doubt it.
But big enough and young enough to kick your arse .... if you would just stop wiggling it so much.
Ah ; now i feel better.

Anonymous said...

Just wiggle it...just a little bit.
Reminds me of the story of the farmer who catches his wife in bed with the naked milkman.
'I am going to shoot your balls off'
'Gimme a chance'
'OK, Swing them'.

zola a social thing said...

Rather crude but interesting

Anonymous said...

Pity you started so early - you missed all the fun.
Hope you have a suitably Finnish hangover.

Anonymous said...

I'm wiggling everything for you..........

Anonymous said...

Aha Zola, new to this game, are we?
HarryStarks is almost certainly a SlimyBill name.
Not so simple, is this game.

zola a social thing said...

Think I best stick to simple farming

zola a social thing said...

BTW : Bugger that "Dirty Bishop".

Just as Zola was trying to ease a thread into the ring along comes the bad bishop and ......

Anonymous said...

More tea, Bishop?.

Anonymous said...

There was a young lady from Crewe
Who said, as the Bishop withdrew
The Vicar is quicker and slicker and thicker
And five inches longer than you!

zola a social thing said...

That is, I suspect, 12 inches longer than YOU.
Oh you ole bugger you.

zola a social thing said...

BTW : whatever happened to sustainable agriculture and all that?

Anonymous said...

was that a freudian slip of some sort?

zola a social thing said...

RememberI am on me medicine and getting better all the time.
But Ok your point is taken but I will not bend down so easily next time.

zola a social thing said...

BTW : Anon : Do you have any good verses about people from Onga ?
Come on give us another one do.

Anonymous said...

There was a young Lapman from Onga
Who said 'I can't kayak no longer'
No rest, sex or rant
Archbishop or Cant
Wow, StickyBill couldn't be wronger

zola a social thing said...

What can be said Anon that has not already been said from the poets?
Any more?

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