Monday, December 25, 2006


The Queen of Blatcherland gave her Christmas speech this afternoon. Sources say that the wicked Baron of Grandom, alias Maggie Thatcher of the Darling Buds of May, was the script writer. The Queen was not amused when she found this out a few minutes before the speech was due to be broadcast by her on TV.

But Prince Charlie boy and missus were very content. The speech was changed by the Queen just in time. The readings between the lines were that Prince Charles is now to replace his mum in the very near future. When? Apparently at the same time as Blair is finally thrown out of labour misgovernment.

Labour whips are happy at this good sense of timing by the most Royal intelligence.
You heard it first from Zola.


Anonymous said...

As the Royal We were listening to GrumpyAunts Auntie on the beeb, we were reminded of horrible anuses.
That has spoiled our Christmas dinner.
Fantasy, notwithstanding.
Maybe, not so bad after all.
In fact, better and better........
Speak to you in a fortnight......

Anonymous said...

Zola !!! I am suspicious.
Are you that Doctor of spin for the Prince of Wales ( that loon ! )?

zola a social thing said...

Hello Anticant : Hope your Xmas meal and especially mince pies stay on with you as good.
Orribble rumours wafting around over Christmas. Must be the food that helps the "Breaking Wind e-news" to fit in without upset.
BTW : Could take 4 weeks we hear.

zola a social thing said...

Anonymouse : People like you are one of the problems of this society. No trust at all and little respect for those that rightly know.
Anticant has implied i spin for Santa.
Tyger is not amused at my pictures and suspects I spin for the lefties.
But i will admit that we did receive a nice box of chocs from Charlie boy this year. Truffles a la organic.
Yes I have already declared this.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful royal family.
No divides there !

anticant said...

No mince pies today, Zola. Just a guinea fowl and some strawberries [odd, isn't it, how we eat out-of-season things all the year round nowadays and never give it a second thought]. A friend comes to dinner tomorrow, and there will be roast sirloin of beef. Just hope I shall time the cooking right. And then the washing up - urrgh! And then, thankfully, to bed.

You still haven't e-mailed me. Please do.

anticant said...

BBC report of Christmas at Sandringham:

"After a black-tie dinner in the evening, the corgis are led out and the ladies adjourn, leaving Prince Philip to serve port or brandy to the men."

Do the corgis wear black ties too? And frilly knickers? Do tell, Zola - you're obviously on the Royals' inner loop.

zola a social thing said...

Some things are just not revealed Anticant. It is the mark of civilisation and decency.
But Philip remains on the beers, mainly, that I can reveal.
Also the black ties were used as a sign of the death of Blatcherism.

Suzon said...

I guess we survived Christmas. Congratulations to all for this achievement.

anticant said...

We didn't just survive it. We ignored it.

Suzon said...

Since Anticant hangs out here, I'd like to inform him that his site crashes my computer when I try to post a comment. Apologies then for this indirect approach.

I was interested to know some things that would not compromise his identity. Oxford, Cambridge or redbrick? Solicitor or barrister? Criminal or civil?

zola a social thing said...

Suzy : Zola is never a middle-man.
But use this place OK.

Anonymous said...

Sent SuzyQ an email to point her in the right direction.
Pimping was never a problem for me.

zola a social thing said...

Anonimouse : What about whimping?
Come on out. Who are you really?
SuzyQ needs no pimps methinks.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Zola, that was the REAL anonymous speaking.
We are still searching for the imposters. And you are quite correct SuzQ can take care of herself very well, I am sure, however, a helping hand or two never goes amiss.
Was that me being The Manager and being bossy without thinking?.
Benevolent Dictatorship?.
Goes without saying.

anticant said...

Suzy: My burrow is not responsible for crashing your computer. Your poor-grade software is. Sort out your cookies.

Where was I educated? Why do you want to know? Bluestocking snobbisme? But as you have indicated that you are privileged enough to overlook the Granta, I too once strolled in those Elysian spheres. Satisfied? Redbrick indeed! I bet that if that had been the answer, you'd have ceased bothering to access my burrow.

There's nothing like a Grande Dame! Lady Bracknell, I presume?

Anonymous said...

'Lady bracknell's social commentary on class structure is Wilde’s commentary about how the privileged class of England keeps its power. Lady Bracknell firmly believes the middle and lower classes should never be taught to think or question. It would breed anarchy and the possibility that the upper class might lose its privileged position.'
I like Dames. Mostly Polish and Brazilian, must be said.
Blue stockings included, of course.

zola a social thing said...

What is wrong with Aussi Dames?

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