Tuesday, December 12, 2006

AWKs and the NHS OK

Had some good news yesterday. I visited the doctor. Feeling low I was. Then the good news came and it bucked ( with a B) me up. Maybe this news makes the front ( spelt FRONT) page? Maybe. See already the medicine is working.

Anyway the doctor diagnosed and came up with the following : I was suffering from what is called "AWKs" which has symptoms relating to, a) lack of concentration ; b) failure to follow logical progressions ; c) a perceived need to trash anything and everything ; d) a total lack of decent discipline and e) a disgusting habit or two hidden away in the cupboard. All this is termed as "AWKs".

The doctor gave me medicine and what was big news was that it is freely available on the National Health Services within Europe. Should i tell you what was in the medicine? Of course not. Get yer own doctor.


anticant said...

Throw it away and try champagne.

zola a social thing said...

Cannot afford it.
All these medical biils are just putting me on their cross to die!
Guess I just take the holy waters.

Anonymous said...

This Holy Water..
Is that what the Bishop of Southwark was on ?

zola a social thing said...

hello again LB long time no see or is that the holy see you in the next world?

This holy water is cheap. NHS will foot the bill.

Anticant wants me to go for champers but I will not be fooled into that one.

Good morning Lavender Blue.

Anonymous said...

And Good Morning to You, ZoZo........
Taking your advice is what I have been doing....missed you.......
As I have all of the symptoms you mentioned, what does this Bucking Up consist of..........
and will it be good for me ?

zola a social thing said...

Good morning LB : In the end LB I guess it just means getting worse and badder and never sadder.
Of course it could mean .......
Take my advice you do ?
See we shall !

Of course it is good for you. If not you would not be around.
Glad you are.

Be careful of the Duck - after you he is.

Anonymous said...

I remember that happened to me.
Suddenly, I woke up in hospital in a ward full of similar victims.
We were known as the AwksWardSquad.

Anonymous said...

Boom! Boom!

zola a social thing said...

Get yer Holy waters soon.
They are putting a tax on it soon !

Anonymous said...

Someone got a vision after watching the shennanigans of the past few days.
We were chatting about the fact that the troops were holding fast.
Suddenly, a flash of the Tom Sharpe type came to the fore.
The soldiers?.
Not to be described.
Enough to say that there will be a confusion of equipment.
The odd oxygen bottle or two, a couple of zimmers, maybe even a diver's helmet and a pair of weighted boots - Bob Hope notwithstanding - and an octopus.
All paddling ferociously towards Mexico, all followed by a demented Duck replete with bottle of tabasco.
(A Dirty Bishop hanging out the back of a Mercedes car is only our 'hand' luggage).

Many is the true word....

zola a social thing said...

Many are the true Merkins with a Munchkin.

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