Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Do Blogger-Types Have Feelings ?
After a few trials of my own and after learning something about the trials of others I might ask, now, a few questions. But oh how much I would wish for a Dennis Potter to be still around. All wired-up? A head that is lost so much? Feelings that fret and feelings that vibrate enough to make the machine itself tremble a little.
Of course bloggers have feelings.
How to handle those feelings that mix with a virtual world? That is a big question. The so called on-line community or on-line-rings tries to ignore this kind of question through rules and regulations. Usually this means "their" rules and regulations. But there are many other ways happening too. I guess one helping hand comes from the words of Samual Taylor Coleridge when he asked us to "Never treat people as things". I think this might be good advice for a new blogger like myself.
But does this mean no awkwardness or no dispute? NO, NO and NO. All words and texts are somehow alienated and distant from our face-to-face morality. But this does mean that I, as a new blogger, must never treat people as things.
Will there always be fuck-ups? Yes, of course. Here is one question. How might we handle the fuck-ups? Could some old fashioned honesty make a return here ? Can we "come out" through the virtual image world and be open in an open society?

I guess many can and will and do this ok but that only so long as no business is behind or up front or in the middle of human communications.


Anonymous said...

Jesus fuck, big man, you are really getting into this Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat style of web writing.
Just about had an epileptic fit when I wanted to post.

zola a social thing said...

Next time you get so close to such a fit give us a warning. Then you can be helped by "Suck this" or bite it or chew on this whatever. It is all for your own good yer know.

Anonymous said...

More tea, Vicar?.

zola a social thing said...

Thanks Herrageiger : and a packet of crisps please.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll do the crisps if you will do the two pints of lager, please.

zola a social thing said...

Well Wolfi : That sounds like a good deal.
Two pints of lager coming up ... oh now that's better.
Could you pass the cloth please.

Anonymous said...

While we are looking at a small drinky poo, do let me recommend the GHenry discussion mp3 which Chris White has found for our perusal.

zola a social thing said...

Thanks Anony : will check that out.

zola a social thing said...

Well Anon : Checked that out. I listened to it all. Seems to me that Miss Whiplash is a solid pro. She talks like a nulabour spin doctor and ignores realities. She avoided all big issues.
But what would I expect from marketing gurus?!?

Anonymous said...

That is why these people deserve to be 'first up against the wall', regardless of my fill of the happiness quotient (for which I have ample referees).

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