Thursday, December 28, 2006

Lucky Escapes

As news comes in of more helicopter crashes and the death toll increases again and again I was reminded of a few frightful moments on those death-traps. One will suffice here.
Five minutes from take off and all is ready to fly out of Bergen in Norway. Sitting there dressed up with silly safety clothes and then... You have been changed to another flight comes my news. Off i go back to the airport waiting room.

Next I hear, after about 24 hours, was that I was missing believed dead after my helicopter crashed. Phone calls from the UK and Finland trying to check the nasty details as my name had remained on the flight list. But my death was too early. I was lucky that time. However this is a good time to ask for those death-trap-machines to be finally abolished. Far too many deaths in far too few flights by these helicopters.


Merkin said...

Born to be hanged, Zola, same as me.

anticant said...

And Saddam Hussein.

zola a social thing said...

Born also to be lucky sometimes.
Also I disagree with death wishes from a USA and an Iraqi way.

anticant said...

So you're not one of the worldwide thousands who have been phoning Baghdad offering to pull the lever?

zola a social thing said...

No I am not.

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